Redrow Homes - Etwall

The outline approval for this site dictated a low density development of only 50 units on a 8.6 ha site.

Given the low density nature of the site the concept behind the scheme was centred around providing and Arcadian feel to the layout and form of development.
In site layout terms, Arcadia is about creating the illusion of a rural environment. It draws on the 'picturesque' approach to landscape design typified by the layout of the parks of British country houses in the eighteenth century.

The guiding principles are the use of meandering walks which revealed successive surprise features hidden in a dominant landscape. In the same way, early 'leafy' suburbs of the nineteenth and early twentieth century conceal houses among mature trees so that the visitor is more aware of the landscape setting than of the houses themselves.

“Arcadian layouts are dependent on a dominant landscape, the most suitable sites are those which already have a significant density of mature trees and hedges.”
