White Ridge were instructed to create a concept masterplan plan for the regeneration of the Brymbo Steelworks site near Wrexham, North Wales.
The site also contained a Heritage Area which was subject to collaborative discussions with the Brymbo Heritage Group and The Princes Regeneration Trust. BHG’s vision was to turn the Heritage Area, which comprises of an ancient fossilised forest, partial remains of the eighteenth century Brymbo Ironworks and adjacent areas of brownfield land, into a vibrant, heritage-led mixed use visitor destination and community/enterprise hub. Part of this hub would see the creation of a visitor centre for the ancient fossil forest, with a high-level walkway created through the excavated fossilised trees.
The Heritage Area is part
of a wider Brymbo Steelworks site which was earmarked for residential development of circa 300 dwellings which would also contain an extension to the existing High Street as well as a primary school, supermarket and an area of land for employment use.
“With the construction of new homes to the south, there is scope for the creation of a new ‘heart’ of Brymbo to the south of the current high street, near the Heritage Area.”
The Princes Regeneration Trust (masterplan brief)